The following are resources for medal winning breweries at the Colorado Brewers Cup beer competition.
Please read the following guidelines before downloading any marketing material.
Medal winning breweries are encouraged to use their Colorado Brewers Cup awards in PR, social media, and advertising campaigns. In order to protect the Colorado Brewers Guild and the Colorado Brewers Cup’s brand assets, all breweries planning to make any reference to the Colorado Brewers Cup are required to comply with the marketing guidelines below. As part of a collective effort to preserve the integrity and prestige of the competition, any public references to Colorado Brewers Cup awards are governed by these rules:
1. CONFIDENTIALITY: Colorado Brewers Cup marketing guidelines allow only for the promotion of awards won from the competition and do not grant any participating brewery permission to utilize information contained in judge score sheets in any public or promotional manner, including information on an entry’s advancement through the various rounds of judging, or any other information conveyed in the judges’ feedback, including mentioning the name of any judge or judges serving as a part of the competition. This information is confidential and for internal brewery use only.
2. COMPETITION NAME: Always refer to the competition by its complete and accurate name: Colorado Brewers Cup. (Colorado Brewers’ Cup, Colorado Beer Cup, CO Craft Brewers Cup, Colorado Craft Brewers Guild Cup, CO Beer Cup or any other abbreviation or inaccurate title should not be used.)
3. BRAND ASSETS: Colorado Brewers Cup brand assets and medal graphics should be used exactly as they are supplied to winners and should not be altered in any way that changes their shape, color, text, rotation, aspect ratio, etc. If you have any questions about logo use please contact us.
4. BRAND ASSETS USE IN GRAPHICS: All references to an award must include a mention of the category in which the medal was received, the specific type of medal (i.e., gold; silver; bronze ), the year it was received (i.e. 2025) and the name of the beer as entered in the competition for the year in which the award was received. For example “Our (beer name) took (medal color) in the (category name) at the 2025 Colorado Brewers Cup.” Text used in online graphics must be referenced in a font size large enough to be read and in direct conjunction with the reference to the award.
5. BRAND ASSETS USE IN PRINTING: Logo use in printing and on product labels does not require the category name. All printing use requires the appropriate medal logo in association with the winning beer. Medal logo usage is not allowed for overall marketing of the brewery or non-winning beers from the same brewery. Minimum font size for text used in print is 6pt.
6. USE WITH MERCHANDISE: Colorado Brewers Cup’s standard marketing guidelines do not grant permission to use competition medals or artwork on any merchandise promoting the win (shirts, hats, glassware, etc.). Individual arrangements may be made with explicit written approval from CBG contingent on review of merchandise artwork.
7. RIGHTS: These rules do not waive any right to trademark or copyright material of the Colorado Brewers Guild.
8. MARKETING CODE: Following precedent established by the Great American Beer Festival, in an effort to address concerns about beer names and related marketing properties that contain sexually explicit, lewd, or demeaning content that reasonable adult consumers would find inappropriate, beer names entered into the Colorado Brewers Cup should meet the guidelines in the Brewers Association Marketing and Advertising Code. In the event that the brand name of a medal-winning beer entered in the Colorado Brewers Cup is found to not meet the Marketing and Advertising Code, the brewery that entered the medal winning beer is entitled to keep the medal but is not allowed to promote the win using any Colorado Brewers Cup or Colorado Brewers Guild brand assets.
9. DISQUALIFICATION: Failure of any brewery, or of any person acting on a brewery’s behalf or at a brewery’s direction, to comply with these rules may result in suspension from participation in the Colorado Brewers Cup for a duration to be determined at the absolute discretion of Colorado Brewers Cup organizers.
10. CHANGES TO RULES: The Colorado Brewers Guild reserves the right to amend these marketing guidelines as any FAQs or situations arise. These guidelines are aimed at ensuring usability and flexibility for brewers promoting their wins, while also protecting the Colorado Brewers Guild and the Colorado Brewers Cup brand assets and the integrity and prestige of the competition.
Please email cheers@coloradobeer.org if you have any questions about this agreement.

2025 Medal Graphics